TANGIER – Point strategic

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Why is Tangier so interesting as a free zone?

Tangier has been a key strategic point for trade between Africa and Europe, thanks to its access to the Strait of Gibraltar sea route. In addition, the Tangier free zone has a series of tax attractions that allow economic development of both the geographical area and the companies located there:

  • Advantages Corporate Tax Exemption:

Companies established in the Tangier free zone are exempt from paying Corporate Tax during the first five years of activity.

  • Reduced taxation after exemption:

After the exemption period, companies only pay 8.75% tax for the following twenty years.

  • Stimulus for economic development:

The creation of free zones like the one in Tangier is a government strategy to stimulate economic development, attracting investment and promoting commercial activity.

These advantages are amplified with the support of a transport partner who knows the terrain and can take advantage of the best options in each shipment. Our infrastructure and contacts allow us to manage and coordinate exports and imports in urgent services.